Sales Revenue Forecasting
Turn your forecast into revenue-generating action. Vareto helps Sales organizations with planning, forecasting, analysis, and insights.
Get the latest opportunity-level data
No more copy-pasting. Flow in any data you want, whether it's opportunities from your CRM, a CSV file from your sales leader, or booked revenue from your ERP.

Schedule automatic data pulls for account name, stage, close date, and more.
On-demand refresh
Want the latest opportunities data and don’t want to wait? 1-click refresh.
Self manage
Easily connect and monitor the status of your integrations.
Set up your model exactly the way you want it.
Get pipeline updates out of people's heads.
Iterate in real-time with seamless collaboration.
Forecast more accurately and avoid version issues with multiplayer editing and threaded conversations all in one place.

Multiplayer editing
No more version issues. No more asking if it's your turn to go into the model.
Comments and @-mentions
Collaborate with others all in one place, and with all the context.
Email/Slack notifications
Never miss an update: know when it's your turn to take action.
Don't just deliver reports, deliver insights.