Organizational Expense Management

Better control costs with a holistic, up-to-date view of how actuals are tracking against plan.

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Understand aggregate spend by vendor

Vareto makes it easy to automatically pull in your ERP data and consolidate all transactions by vendor to monitor operating expenses and variances. With visibility into spend activity month-over-month and threshold rules, it’s easy to spot outliers, discrepancies, and opportunities to optimize costs.

Track real-time performance against the plan

Increase company agility with a 360-degree understanding of current operational performance. It takes only a few seconds to compare the latest actuals to any scenario plan and adjust forecasts as needed.

Give business stakeholders self-serve access to department spend

Eliminate manual data requests and get to inbox zero. Autopilot OpEx reporting by giving business stakeholders self-serve access to their latest spend data and tracking against budget, with granular access permissions to control who sees what.


“Vareto has been that multiplier for our team’s ability. It’s been a huge time-saver that touches almost all the work we do. With Vareto, one person can do the work of two to three people.”

Sun Choi

SVP of Finance

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“Department leaders have access to granular data at their fingertips. If something doesn’t look right, they can click into line items, see the detail, and act on it instantly. Instead of busywork, department leaders can now spend more time on what they do best.”

Carson Young

Strategic Finance Lead

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Keep things moving, seamlessly

Vareto integrates with your business-critical systems to keep reports, forecasts, and plans up to date.